Dallas TOD

The City of Dallas (2011-2013)

As co-lead for the Dallas TOD project, Fregonese Associates worked to implement the recommendations of forwardDallas! Comprehensive Plan by completing five station area plans for neighborhoods near seven DART light rail stations. Each station area plan included the identification of market-feasible, catalytic development sites outlining specific recommendations for implementation, including development programs intended to leverage transit investments to create safe, attractive community centers offering a range of affordable housing options for new and existing residents with improved access to transit. The proposed centers included a mix of uses to create opportunities for employment and business growth. The project focused on lowerincome neighborhoods, identifying the infrastructure improvements, policy changes, and financing opportunities that could be combined to transform the neighborhoods.

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In addtion to co-authoring the station area plans, Fregonese Associates led the extensive public outreach for each of the five station area sites to better understand current issues and gather feedback and reactions to potential opportunity sites and development programs. To support their outreach efforts, Fregonese Associates created visualizations for each site depicting potential development opportunities.

As part of the multi-discinplinary team, ECONorthwest provided market analysis, financial modeling, redevelopment strategy, and a strategic financing plan for each development plan.

The station area plans were adopted in spring 2013. Based on these development recommendations, the City of Dallas began issuing request for proposals to find development partners for a number of the identified sites shortly after.